Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Holistic Living

Yes, we have been on this journey lately to become more educated, more conscious consumers and eaters.

So, I have learned . . .
- it is good to eat many, many, many, many vegetables and drink lots of water
- eat little meat (and when you do make sure that you buy the chicken that is 9.00/lb because you should eat free range organic grain fed chicken only)
- buy recycled toilet paper, because after you've crapped sandpaper feels great on your butt
- eat brown rice, not only is it good for you, but it's crunchy and our kids hate it
- don't take aspirin for that headache, drink water (yes, it may take 10-20 glasses but the headache will be gone, the only problem is you will still be up all night because you will have to pee 50 times)
- never use paper plates, paper napkins, or plastic ware, they are filling up our landfills! Invest in a good pair of rubber gloves because you will now be doing dishes for hours every night after the BBQ's are over
- only buy organic local fruits and vegetables, how dare you fill your body with anything that is genetically engineered. So, after Matt and I have spent 3 hours going to 4 different stores to get all of the healthiest, wholest foods possible we will have about 20 minutes left to go to the park before we need to get Paige from preschool
- start making your own compost, did you know that at least 30% of our waste can be composted? But no one told me that I would be given a chinese take-out container to pick out my own worms with my hands - yuck
- never microwave anything in plastic - it leaches into your food, and don't store your leftovers in plastic either
- and don't use those plastic bags in your kids lunches - more waste. So, send your kids to school with glass containers with lids, and make sure their water bottle is mark with one of these - Polypropylene, designated "#5 PP", High-density polyethylene, designated "#2HDPE", Low-density polyethylene, designated "#4 LDPE"
- oh and did I say that it's good to eat many, many, many, many vegetables and drink lots of water?

I could go on and on about what I have learned, but it's so overwhelming. I have to say that I took 2 tylenol this morning and my head felt better, and I just ate a drumstick and it tasted oh so good. Tomorrow I will drink my 100 oz. of water, and eat brocolli, and tofu, for now, I will worry about one thing at a time.


Blogger jen leonard said...

You are too funny friend . . . too funny. Good job on blogging so often . . . it is super great to hear about what is happening in your life. It was also super great to talk with you last night . . . yeah, I really enjoyed that. Peace.

2:08 AM  
Blogger myoldblog2009 said...

Hi Brooke,

You sound like my wife.

I sure wish she would have been there to meet you and Jason last March. Definitely let us know if you are planning on any trips to the midwest again.


4:46 PM  

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